"Excellent Horse-Like Lady"

Yep, you read that right.

"Excellent Horse-Like Lady" is the name of a North Korean pop song, translated into English, of course. We can only hope that in Korean it comes off being a bit more complimentary.

After hearing this story on North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's love life I was immediately intrigued  that Kim's possible love interest is best known for her song "Excellent Horse-Like Lady".  I googled "North Korean Pop Music" and came up with a few other AMAZING song titles:

"The Joy of Bumper Harvest Overflows Amidst the Song of Mechanization" Is it just me, or does this sound like a title Sufjan Steven's would come up with?

"The Dear General Uses Distance-Shrinking Magic" Unfortunately for us the video for this one doesn't demonstrate any of this special magic.

"She is a Discharged Soldier" Um...ok. 

"We Shall Hold Bayonets More Firmly" Propaganda filled battle cry or song about gun safety? 

And finally, incase you were wondering what a music video to a a song titled "Excellent Horse-Like Lady" would look like:

Apparently "horse-like" is a way to complement hard workers? I'm going to have to start using that phrase...

(image via wikipedia, song titles found here and here)

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