Week 4 Questions

Since I’m leaving for Argentina on Thursday this week’s questions are about travel!

What are your favorite things to do on vacation?

Eat and relax! When we travel in the city (which is common, we are total city people) I love to have no agenda, just wander around different neighborhoods on foot and try to find the best food. Most of our vacations revolve around discovering the best restaurants and eating whatever is local and recommended. I also like to window shop and go to the spa :)

When we are in more remote locations I like to go on long walks, swim, and read. I’m not much of a sunbather (I burn and get overheated, sadly) so Patrick and I tend to do our own thing during the day, he likes to lay in the sun and I like to explore more.

What three places are at the top of your bucket list to visit?

1)  Turkey!! We are dying to go to Istanbul and travel all around the country. 2) Go back to India. I traveled a bit in India after college but really only scratched the surface, Patrick and I would both love to spend more time there. 3) Vietnam – we have friends in Vietnam and have heard it’s an incredible place to visit (and eat!), we’d love to do a family vacation there with Mylo. 

1 comment

  1. We have similar travel styles - I am not a huge fan of beach destinations, I'd rather get out, see the sights, and immerse myself in the culture, food, markets, and scenery. Turkey, Vietnam, and India sound amazing! Where did you go in India? My husband and I would like to get there someday.
